In temperate horticulture importance of adequate cane/stem maturity, bud break and flowering can seldom  be overstated. More so modern day  varieties require  precise  climatic conditions for plants to flower. Any adverse climatic event during maturity and flowering period leads to delayed or uneven flowering and premature dropping of pistilate flowers..


Similarly in adverse climatic conditions there is increasing prevalence of buds failing to throw up leaves /flowers. Hi cell Florentia when applied before endodormancy breaking stage or at the time of bud breaking stage will initiate profuse flowering & also prevent premature abscission of flowers.


Hi Cell Florentia has been specifically developed as a non hormonal ( with minimum nitrogen ) formulations to address these problems in agronomy. Hi Cell Florentia is more than just bud breaker ( Hydrogen Cyanamide Thio Urea etc) ,where as all these chemicals accelerate bud growth and sprouting .” Hi Cell Florentia” apart from inducing early bud break, actually initiates flowerbud formation in stem during  endo dormancy stage . For example in grapes “Hi Cell Florentia”when applied well before pruning will develop more flowering buds as compared to controls.


Chemical solutions for these problems such as “thio urea or hydrogen Cyanamide“are strictly regulated by many countries. In USA, EPA has given until 2025 to ban this harmful and poisonous chemical. The market for hydrogen cyanamide is perceived to be in the range of 200-240 million USD. There are not many bio rational/chemical solutions to replace HCN . “Hi Cell Florentina” is one such solution that has come as a boon to farmers.

Hi Cell Florentia can be applied as a paste/spray on the grapes stem/ kiwi /cherry / almond /apple /temperate fruit for initiating bud breaking.


Hi Cell Florentia can be applied to all type of perennial crops where Hydrogen cyanamide is used.

Hi Cell Florentia will increase bud break and flowering in all types of crops. Specially during stress periods.

Hi Cell Florentia protects newly formed flowers from thrips and aphids but it is safe for bees !

Hi Cell Florentia has been extensively tested on different varieties of grapes such Thompson Seedless, Flame seedless, Red Globe, crimson seedless etc


Trails of Hi Cell Florentina on Apples, walnut, pistachios and almonds are designed for 2024 season and results be expected by June 2024.

Crops: Grapes (Bud Break), Temperate crops (to induce uniform bud break and flowering)

Stages: Bud Break, Flowering

Dose:  10-20% in water spray