Asparagus stands as a significant vegetable crop extensively cultivated in both temperate and semi-temperate regions of Peru, which serves as a key supplier to countries in the northern hemisphere during their winter season. The harvest of asparagus occurs in two forms: the green variant, which grows above ground, and the white variant, found below ground. The green type is the most popular and widely consumed globally. However, its cultivation faces increasing difficulties due to climatic challenges, such as abrupt temperature rises, leading to a reduced harvest of fibrous spears that command lower market prices. To counter these issues, Hi Cell has introduced innovative products and technologies aimed at improving both the yield and quality of the asparagus crop.
Nursery: Drenching the asparagus seed in a solution of Hi Cell Master (10%) for 24 hours will enhance seed germination significantly. The shoot growth will be pronounced.
Corm Formation: After seed germination is completed, regular application of HiCell Master (2-3%) and HiCell Vict0r in spray will take care of most of the bacterial infections and pests.
Plantation: Drenching the corm in a 10% solution of “Hi Cell Master” will take care of soil-borne bacterial infections and induce faster shoot growth.
Corm Development: Application of Hi Cell Viceroy (2-3%) in drench every 15 days will ensure larger and thicker subsequent shoot emergence. If the farmer notices any pest attack, application of Hi Cell Victor (2-3%) in spray will take care of the opportunistic pests.
Maturity: Application of Hi Cell Bonus (2-3%) in spray will take care of most of the fungal and bacterial infections.
Harvest: Regular application of Hi Cell Viceroy (2-3%) regularly (every fourth day) in drench will increase the diameter and length of the spears substantially. The spears will also be more tender and less fibrous. The spears will also last longer without getting fibrous. This is the most important characteristic in the case of long-distance transport and storage of spears. With the application of Viceroy, the farmer can expect a significant increase in spear size and quality of the spears.
Spear Quality: Research at Hi Cell has indicated that the application of Hi Cell Vitis (2-3%) in the drench significantly enhances organoleptic properties of spears. There is a significant increase in TSS (Total Soluble Solids) of the spear, making them tastier and more palatable.”
Disclaimers: It is crucial to acknowledge that the performance of these products can differ depending on particular agricultural environments. Farmers are strongly advised to seek guidance from agronomy specialists and adhere to the instructions provided by the manufacturers to ensure correct and secure application.