Best non-chemical safe solution for control of Downy Mildew and bacterial infections for all types of crops.
Hi cell shakti is a special formulation that is developed with cutting edge research in herbal crop protection. Hi Cell Shakti is specially formulated for control of downy mildew on grapes and other fruits and vegetables, fusarium rot of tomatoes, and pythium rot of ginger etc. Hi Cell Shaktihas been extensively tested on various crops. Being 100% herbal and formulated from extracts of commonly consumed herbs Hi Cell Shakti is safe even to be used 24 hours before harvest.
Grapes: Hi cell Shakti is tailor made to control Downy Mildew of Grapes. Hi Cell Shakti has prophylactic as well curative action. Hi Cell Shakti stunts the growth of oocyte main body and renders the reproductive spores infertile! Our extensive trails on table grapes in western India have demonstrated that Hi Cell Shakti is as effective as chemical sprays for sustained control of Downy Mildew in Grapes.
We suggest that for effective mitigation of Downy mildew the farmer should initially start with application of Hi Cell Master 4mlLiter of water and Hi Cell Victor 2 ml/ liter of water immediately after first signs of downy Mildew or after extended wet spell. This should be followed if required by application of Hi cell Shakti @ 2-4/ ml /liter of water. Important advantage of using Hi Cell formulations is that the grape grower can safely increase or decrease the dose as per the disease intensity with out worrying about MRL values . Since many ingredients in these formulations have potent growth promoting effects, those go a long way in mitigating biotic as well as abiotic stresses that the grape vines are subjected to. Application of Hi Cell products to control Downy mildew does have positive synergistic effect on the over all performance of the grape vine and also increasing the tolerance to insect or disease vectors. After our extensive research carried over the last four years we at Hi cell are confident that we are very close to achieving our goal for facilitating cultivation of table grape varieties with out using of any sort of chemicals or can we say truly organic!
Ginger : Hi cell Shakti can be used to effectively control devastating disease of ginger such as Pythium rot of ginger at all stages of growth. Hi Cell Shakti applied @ 2-4 ml/ liter of water either through spray and through drenching for severely effected parts can control symptoms. Application of HI Cell Shakti to the pythium infested ginger rhizomes will initiate regeneration of fresh ginger shoots. Regular application of Hi Cell Shakti to the pythium effected ginger crops increases the size and weight of ginger rhizomes . If the rot effecting the Ginger crop is bacterial in nature then the farmer is advised to apply combination of Hi Cell Master and Hi Cell Victor (4ml/litre master and 2ml/liter victor for immediate effective control bacterial rot.