Cucurbit family is one of the most popular crops in the vegetable category. Major cucurbit family crops include Melon, Watermelon, Courgettes, Cucumber, Pumpkin, etc. Cultivation of cucurbits poses varied challenges during cultivation. One such challenge is the sudden wilt of Melons. Worldwide, this disease (physiological disorder) has caused major disruptions in yield and quality of the produce on a worldwide basis. Hi Cell Products are specially designed to address these challenges at different stages.


Nursery: Application of Hi Cell Master (3-4%) during the first watering will increase the germination rate and induce strong shoot emergence. The second application of Hi Cell Master (2%) + Hi Cell Victor (3%) will develop strong nursery plants.


Transplanting: Application of Hi Cell Master (2-3%) + Hi Cell Victor (3-4%) in drench will take care of most of the pests and bacterial infestations during establishment. This formulation will also induce faster growth.


Growth: Application of Hi Cell Master (2-3%) + Hi Cell Victor (3-4%) in drench will take care of most of the pests, including aphids, jassids, etc. The application of Hi Cell Bonus (2-4%) will take care of powdery mildew &sclerotinia infections.


Maturity: Application of Hi Cell Master (2-3%) + Hi Cell Victor (3-4%) in drench will take care of most of the pests. The application of “Hi Cell Viceroy” (2-3%) will develop an extensive root system and thicker stems. The application of Hi Cell Bonus (2-4%) will take care of powdery mildew &sclerotinia infections.


Flowering: The application of Hi Cell Victor (3-4%) in spray will induce more pistillate flowering. Similarly, the application of Hi Cell Viceroy in spray will reduce flower drop and enhance fruit size development. The application of Hi Cell Bonus (2-4%) will take care of powdery mildew &sclerotinia infections.

Fruit Maturity:


a) Melons and Watermelons: This is the most critical period for the crop. We suggest that the farmer apply “Hi Cell Shakti” (2-4%) as a preventive against sudden wilt. We also suggest the use of “Hi Cell Vitis” (2-4%) every week to achieve larger fruit size and higher brix. The application of Hi Cell Vitis has shown to delay the onset of sudden wilt symptoms and increase the brix levels substantially.

b) Courgettes and Cucumbers: We suggest a regular alternate application of Hi Cell Bonus (2-3%) and Hi Cell Viceroy (2-3%) every three days. This will ensure better quality and prolonged harvesting period.



Disclaimers: It’s important to note that the effectiveness of these products may vary based on specific growing conditions, and it’s always best for farmers to consult with agricultural experts and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper and safe usage.